Monday, July 21, 2014

9th Annual URSA Awards Competition

There are still 10 days remaining to cast your vote in the 9th Annual URSA Awards Competition sponsored by Bears&Buds online teddy bear magazine. If you have not already voted, I really encourage you to do so.

The URSA Awards Competition is unique in that every entry is seen and YOU are the judges. The winners are determined by your votes! There are 72 artists from 18 countries contending in this year's competition.

I have 2 bears that are hoping for your votes...

Ai Li
Category 12 - Panda Bears All

Category 7 - Huge Hugs

This first round of voting is open through July 31st. You may vote once in each of the 18 categories. The top three winners in each category will advance to the second round of voting and a chance to win the URSA Major-Best Overall award .  I hope you will take a few minutes and vote...we're counting on you!

Cast Your Vote Today!